Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Puppy

The idea behind my final print is that I was just trying to have fun and at the same time use different scketch marks, like cross hatching, to place the dark and light in the picture. The work demonstrates the explanation of my idea by I don't really know so you figure it out... My strengths are of the print the shadowing for the most part (it looks much better if you see it from a far or when it is shrunken). I learned how to print using a plastic plate, an oil based ink, a roling press, and wet paper. I also learned how messy oil based ink can be and how hard it is to get off of anything so you have to clean it with something like "simple green" and not water. I would use a different scketch mark, maybe lines or dashes/dots, and I would pick a different subject.

Friday, April 16, 2010


The idea was to show what long a journey we all go through in life and the ups, downs, problems and successes or happy moments that we trudge through or celebrate or bask in. The long journey of the black bear represents an individual and the tracks are the journey. The mountains are the ups and downs, the snow storm is the problems (each flake is a problem-size counts, the bigger the flake the bigger the problem and vice verse), and the sun is the happy moments that extend far. the Abstraction and the focal point are my strengths in this work. In doing this project I learned that more than one color makes the print look ugly so its best to use one or two colors, that its better to rub the paper on the 3D object with ink instead of pressing the 3D object on the paper, and that you can print with 3D objects like a squid (yuk). If I were to do this again I would place the bear going towards the sun instead of away so that he is headed for the happy times and not towards the bad times. Also, I would layer multiple textures to build more depth.

Friday, March 19, 2010